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1st Edition

Crumb, Robert More info
Edition Details
Class:Art Print
Technique:Screen Print
Paper:thick stock
Size:14.75 X 18
Markings:Signed & Numbered
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Paper size is 14.75 x 18 inches, image size is approximately 13 x 10"

"Most men are spoiled" (from Jesse's site- I forgot to write text for the Little Erica serigraph..the reason I did those, was to replace the original, which we sold last winter..we could not resist..Erica owned that one, and while we basically do not sell from our collection, unless asked to by Pop to accomodate a collector or friend..OR because the offer is just simply too good to pass this case it was both.
Paul Morris a friend and dealer in New York had an offer of $12,000 from the Brooklyn Museum for the Little Erica..and that was simply to interesting to pass on..Pop said he would like the deal to go through, and the concept of the Museum buying a Portrait of The Wife..well you understand..or ego's were demanding satisfaction..oh yeah, and then the deciding factor was the Old Man said that if we sold it, he would do another portrait of Erica to replace the original art..which made it something that we felt we could do..because parting with art is painful..we had the Erica drawing for 10 was done while we were living in France..sentimental we are..
And I'll tell you what, Erica was tough..I was really impressed..becoming a Nurse has really added to her personality..she is TUFF! man, and I'm not kidding. She negotiated like a pro..and what was going to be a 50/50 deal (Galleries are out of control these day's..50% is there would be galleries without artists..)became a 20% commission for the dealer..who is really a great guy, despite being a gallery owner..I highly recommend Paul Morris gallery for all Crumb Art sales..for these exact reasons..with them 50% is a starting can negotiate..but man she was tuff..I was starting to get nervous..starting to think she was not giving them enough to even cover the work involved..let alone profit..but it worked..she pulled it off..and they wanted it BAD..they really wanted it..Pops art has become such a dependable investment..annual appreciation in value..goes up every year..and never goes down..
Also there was allot of interest because the drawing was used for the cover of Art Forum..which is an old traditional art commentary publication..and a big deal..much to the "awww, jeezis, whatever..gimme a break.." aspect of pop's persoanlity..and I must admit..the magazine is really one of the first..well.. first times in my life I could not determine the general tone..idea..concept..of an article..I have never seen such is incredible..if you want to feel Art's bizarre..the painted the max..but...
There she is on the cover..(snip)
Rambling..down to 3 of the little Erica prints..they went fast..and the whole point of this was to say that they are %100 of the original..we wanted to have as close to an original to put back in the frame, I did this once before with the "our Potter Valley Home" wanted to have something that was as close to original art as possible..and Alex can do it..and had Pop sign em to we have ours and there are 19 others..
Sales History
Six Month Average$349.00
Average Price$349.00
Original Price$165.00