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Expresso Beans is about people

Sure there is a lot of art content here, but the reason why it exists is about people. We are working hard to help people. We help new and old art collectors get and stay informed. We help artists get recognized. We help bands get recognized though their art. We help facilitate trades and art sales among all parties, and much more. This has been done without motives for profit of any kind other than the great reward when helping others.

On the Shoulders of Giants

We would love to say that we did all this on our own but that is not true. This started by integrating existing information together with eBay auctions in one place. Over time, the information has grown with the help of countless artists, bands and collectors to be what it is today. And with help from everyone this site will be a better place for all in the future. We are committed.

The EB Team of Volunteers

Our Volunteer Staff- The following people make daily contributions to this web site. Without them, this project would not be all that it is. If you meet these people, buy them a beer. If you do business with them, please treat them right. They are major producers of good karma. If you want to be a volunteer, then send us an email.


Phil Cushway is the proprietor of San Francisco's Artrock Gallery. He has volunteered to be an Expressobeans team member and share his vast knowledge of rock posters, artwork, and memoribilia.


Doug has a good eye for typographical errors and looks over all of EB to help avoid mistakes and maintain consistency. His areas of specific expertise include the woodcut etchings of Winslow Homer, and art for the bands Cracker and moe..


Flimby is a member of the curatorial staff and helps track auctions.


Jeff Labonte is working on a PhD in snake biology at UC Santa Barbara, hoping to teach at a university some day. He has way too many posters at home and way too little wall space. He is a huge fan of Michael Everett (especially when snakes are involved!).



Bill is a full time poster freak living in Southern New Jersey with his wife and is ever growing collection. The poster obsession started from the Fillmore/Avalon/Grateful Dead era posters and has since grown beyond. He is very knowlegeable in these pieces and spends alot of his volunteer time trolling ebay for posters to enter into EB. The Phish poster surge got him into the newer era and has since become a huge Jeff Wood/Drowningcreek Studios fan.



You may have noticed a flood of ticket images being added to Expressobeans since Phish broke up, so Phan has volunteered to ride herd on them. if you have ticket-related inquiries, please direct them to him!


My Beans role started in the summer of '05, and when I'm not pulling hair out because of stress in reality, bounces between auction tracking and edits/additions for Mod-Pop prints (such as Shag and Biskup). As of late, I have been MIA, but would greatly like to return someday soon. Personally, I work with large computer systems for a living in the mystical world of academia. In my spare time I enjoy aspects of Japanese culture, collecting concert tapes, rock climbing, and skiing.





Part time bean counter and full time art lover, Vinceums lives in Charlotte with his Fiance, son, 2 dogs, a cat, and many plants. Spent 20+ years in Maryland (GO TERPS!!), and now going on 10 in North Carolina!!




whalaw is a native Atlantan. He is married to his wife, Melissa; is the father of an ever-growing (and always hungry) boy, Will; and, is the owner of a chocolate labrador named Zeppelin. He started collecting concert posters while in high school in the early-to-mid 1980s. His passion for posters grew in college and law school. Whalaw primarily collects vintage posters from the 1960s and 1970s. However, he has expanded his focus to include many of the "modern" artists. When not practicing law, Whalaw spends time with his family, coaches his son's athletic teams, attends concerts, plays basketball and enters auctions and art into Expresso Beans.


Tom Scharff is our Art Manager. He maintains our art database and processes incoming art submissions. Tom has spent countless hours adding in photos of his rare collection and telling stories about them. He also corrects misinformation and researches missing information for the EB database. Finally, Tom reviews all parts of the site for editing errors. Like this one.


Alexander Lenz is our Fillmore collection expert and our interview journalist. We are excited to have his talents on our team, and we look forward to enjoying his many contributions!


Andy Jenkins is not an expert on anything...but I will give you an opinion even if you don't ask. Collection mostly focused on Jermaine Rogers, Print Mafia, and Jay Ryan as well as personalized shoes 'destroyed' by various artists.


Bill Hance


Brendan Komala joined EB as a art adder, artist liason, and auction tracker. While Phish posters once drew him in, he's now recalling a world once discovered in his teenage years when concert prints first appealed to him - and now regrets not starting picking them up at the time. His current pursuits center around the PNE trio (EMEK Golan, Jermaine Rogers, and Justin Hampton), DRDC, Hero Design, Jay and Mat @ The Bird Machine, Sean Carroll, Leia Bell, and whoever else he discovers this week. While not searching out missing works of rock art, Brendan spends his days either doing set construction at Cornell University where he resides on staff (stop in if you're ever in Ithaca, NY).

As of September 2004, Brendan is the CEO of Expressobeans.


Chip Tantlinger says he loves his wife, child, West Virginia, and the good old USA. Oh, he said not to forget beer too.


Cory Ferber is the archivist for Sound Tribe Sector 9 here at EB. Cory has been "on the bus" with STS9 since he first saw them in San Francisco on Jerry Garcia's Birthday in 2000. He has one of the most comphrehensive collections known of STS9 related posters and handbills. Cory is a designer, writer, and the founder of


Dave Caimotto is our Auction Manager. He has been recording all the eBay auctions. That is a lot of work and not for the faint of heart. It requires hours of work every single day, multiple times a day. We are very grateful for Dave's dedication to the cause and we do not take his good karma for granted.


Eric is just your normal Norwegian bachelor farmer who seems to have this addiction to pieces of paper with inked patterns on them. He's into most of the hippie bands. He is manager of the band Aporia and is actively interested in booking opportunities. Most of his collection is local Wisconsin bands, with a special emphasis on the Firecracker Studio in Madison, Wisconsin, which is run by Sam Johnson. His claim to fame is to have met Paul Simon through a radio contest.


Jason is another member of our fine curatorial staff. . .


Jeff Barden is a graduate student at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University. He has been a Grateful Dead fan since the mid-1980s and enjoys collecting Dead-related posters. He is also a big Garaj Mahal & Derek Trucks fan. Gary Houston, David Singer, Richard Biffle, Ryan Kerrigan & Mike Distante are among his favorite poster artists.


Jeremy Reynolds is our Grateful Dead collection expert. He has been a long time collector of Griffin, Mouse, Kelley, Phish, and is a strong supporter of quality lot-art with a strong focus on Mike Distante, A.J. Masthay, Ryan Kerrigan, and etc... We are honored to have this extremely knowlegable and diversified collector on our team.


João Machado is a Pearl Jam fan. He was our first non-USA team member. He got his first poster in 1996 at the Pearl Jam Cascais show. He only started collecting and appreciating posters in 2002, so he is here to help EB growing. He is from PORTUGAL, country where his love for art/posters was born.


John Bartol is an old-school taper, concert production specialist, and co-founder of, Chun has graciously volunteered to help however he can. He has a brain well worth picking, and we shall see what his eventual role becomes. For now, shall we call him our "Expert-At-Large" ?


Kevin Gordon


Matt has a degree in English of Creative Writing and a nose for grammar. Beat poets really strike a chord with me. To boot, I create original art, mainly using oil pastels and charcoal on canvas. Jackson Pollock has been a huge influence on me, as well as Mark Rothko

I live and die for music. The Afghan Whigs, Pearl Jam, Hendrix, Twilight Singers, Ween, Iron Maiden, Soundgarden and Neil Young are at the top of the mighty hill.

I've been actively/agressively collecting silkscreen prints since early 2002. Aside from the obvious Pearl Jam connections, I enjoy all things Slater, Nick Butcher and Dan McCarthy when it comes to rock art.


Mike Livingstone

For me the poster seed was planted at a very young age when my uncle gave me his original summer jam poster from the dead/abb/the band show at watkins glen. Since then posters have littered my walls. He brought me to my first dead show in 78 and I became a tour regular by 87. He also introduced me to Phish in the late 80's. But it was Pearl Jam that really turned my like for posters into an obsession. So my real first "collected" poster was the 93 PJ piano. Can you believe the 10C sent it folded!!! So, like everyone, I wish I had bought more posters when I had the chance. "If I knew then, what I know now!!". When I'm not drooling over new art and desired prints or searching through ebay, I mt bike with my wife, play golf, and mostly go hike with my Jack Russell.


Natalie Gasperini is a phan who likes to collect of all kinds of Phish memorabilia. Her focus at EB is on adding Phish stuff and adding auctions. She lives in Asheville, NC. OCD and the love of the music equally helped push her into collecting anything and everything Phish. She is also EB's first (and only, as of yet...) female team member.


Nate Fisher is our Widespread Panic expert. He is growing and updating the Panic art collection and also tracking the related auctions. He is highly dedicated and we are happy to have him on our team. In addtion to this, Nate also runs the PanicPosters Yahoo group and is an active Taper of live music. Nate likes to think of himself as ski bum at heart, and not sure how he got stuck in the flat lands of Columbus, OH.


Pablo Hi, I am an avid music fan, and also enjoy and collect lowbrow art, namely Tim Biskup art and toys. I'm originally from SW CO, where i saw my first Phish show (Fort Lewis College in 1991), then I traveled east to SD where i continued my education and resumed seeing Phish shows in the midwest and met some new friends (this guys here below me in fact). Then i moved south 3hrs to Nebraska and earned an advanced degree in Organic Chemistry. I have come back west and now live in the SF bay area where i work as a medicinal chemist. As an EB volenteer, i do my best to track auctions and attend concerts and hopefully add new art from these west coast shows. My favorite bands are: GD, Phish, moe.,SCI, WSP, Raq, Umphreys Mcgee, Warren Haynes, Allan Bro's, Robert Randolf, Santana, and Karl Denson/KDTU.


Paul Vecchi

Hello all! My favorite artists are Tim Biskup, Camille Rose Garcia, Mark Ryden, Steve Cerio and even Jim Pollock (I still love my Pollocks!). I joined EB mainly to track Biskup auctions that were not receiving attention and do my best to keep up my end. I am very proud of the EB free-service that is available to collectors and believe that it has been a very valuable resource and tool to help build up my collection.


Scott Morgan's first Phish show was in 1993 and since then he has taken every opportunity to catch Phish with the possible exception of taking enough time off from touring over the last 10 years to get married, have two girls and graduate from the University of Utah with an MBA.

Outside of live shows and posters, his hobbies include rock climbing, snowboarding, mountain biking and traveling.


Shawn Hughes is a new addition to the EB team. Besides countless hours of poster additions on a semi daily basis he also finds enough spare time to coordinate and produce the BPC poster gatherings. BPC-I in Hampton, VA and BPC-II in Miami, FL were both very successful and look to become bigger and better with each event.


Steve Mendoza picked up his first poster (Jermaine's International Noise Conspiracy) on the walk back to the car after a show in 2001. Little did he know what was in store after a few short years. With a career in the engineering field, Steve views the poster realm as an escape from the analytical world and a chance to explore his more creative side.


Thomas Davis is the founder of Expresso Beans. In addition to designing the web site and bringing the people together that make it possible for it to grow and thrive, Thomas constantly continues to improve the site in ways both subtle and obvious. He is also a printmaker, just for fun


Tom Hains stumbled into poster collecting when he bought a concert t-shirt in 1996 designed by Michael Everett. Since then he has spent more time than he ought too discovering and enjoying the work of other artists such as Jeff Wood, Emek and Derek Hess. His primary interest, however, still lies in it's beginnings, the art of Michael Everett.


Jason Kaczorowski is EB's resident Jim Pollock a-Phish-ionado. First a parking lot artist himself, he later turned his attention to furthering careers of lot poster artists and bringing the genre into recognition with his design firm catering to the music and entertainment industry, Post Art Productions. He graduated with honors from the University of Illinois at Chicago with a BFA in Photography & Film and a minor in art history. He has worked in management for several nationwide galleries devoted to fine art lithography and more specifically, rock poster art. Since appearing in Pollock’s Phirst show with his photography, Jason has used his lens to document Jim creating such recognizable classics as Boston’s 20th Anniversary and Coventry’s final Phish poster, the photos of which he donated for inclusion in The Mockingbird Foundation's, “The Phish Companion”. His photos have been featured in numerous nationally recognized newspaper, magazine & websites along with being exposed in various fine art gallery showings. He currently "works" (see: reads poster message boards all day) at an advertising agency in Chicago and continues to hone his skill shooting concert, documentary and fine art photography.

A Special Thank You

A Special Thank You to the countless many that have contributed to this site in some way. It is difficult to single out people since so many have helped build this web site. Further, we believe in privacy and do not give out names without permission. If you are a contributer and would like to be listed here, send an email to the curator.