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Some notes on installing PhpBB3 from scratch.

Basic Installation

  1. Download and extract the phpBB3 application into the document root
  2. Create a clean Mysql database with a new user if needed.
  3. Point the web browser to that location and follow installation instructions.

Configure Expresso Beans

The define CFG_FORUM needs to be set to the new forum location.

Naruto Installation

Expresso Beans uses the Naruto package to communicate with the forum. Some example queries include, topic listing, unread PM's, getting a user's email address and creating and posting forum topics. While this is not a direct mod to PhpBB3, it does need access to the PhpBB3 installation. For security, it is most ideal to protect the access to this so that only the EB site can call it.

  1. Download and install Naruto somewhere.
  2. Create the following corrected file server.php somwhere in the web path.

// enter correct data here

require_once(NARUTO_CLASSES . '/restNarutoService.php');
require_once(NARUTO_CLASSES . '/phpbb3Naruto.php');

$service = new RestNarutoService(new Phpbb3Naruto);




Configure Expresso Beans

Make sure that the automator user exists in the forum and has admin rights.

Set the following values in Expresso beans eb_config.php

  • The server.php URL is different than shown above, so use the real one.
  • The userkey is the automator's post encrypted password. It can only be found in the forum users database table.

EB Modifications


This is the favorites icon that shows up in the web browser tabs when viewing the site. This has to be placed int the doc root. This is a sub-standard quirk in my opinion.

Automator user

Expresso Beans needs a user account to gain access to PhpBB3 with Naruto and to make automated posts. This user must have administrator rights. It does not have to be called Automator, but should not be a real account.

Single Sign on

For this to work, the forum has to be in the same domain as the Expresso Beans website (i.e. 

Expresso Beans uses the forum to handle logons, but the forum won't redirect login users outside its space. So we need to install a special file to manage the redirects.

  1. Enter the admin panel
  2. Click on General tab
  3. Click on Cookie Settings link to the left.
  4. Make sure Cookie domain: is "" with no subdomain.
  5. Make sure Cookie name: is "phpbb3_eb"
  6. Make sure Cookie path: is "/"
  7. Create the file named phpbb_directory/xlogin.php with the following contents.
  define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '');
  define('COOKIE_LOGIN_TO', 'xlogin_to'); 
  if (!empty($_COOKIE[COOKIE_LOGIN_TO])) {
      $loc = $_COOKIE[COOKIE_LOGIN_TO];
      setcookie(COOKIE_LOGIN_TO, '', 10, '/', COOKIE_DOMAIN);
  } else {
      $loc = '/';
  header('Location: ' . $loc);
<title>Successfully Logged IN</title>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=<?=$loc?>"/>
Redirecting to <a href="<?=$loc?>"><?=$loc?></a>

Add eBay BBCodes

The referral link may change, so make sure it is correct
  1. Install this Ebay logo.gif logo in the phpbb_directory/images directory
  2. Enter the admin panel
  3. Click on Postings tab
  4. Click on BBCodes link to the left.
  5. Add the following bbcodes.
<a title="Check out this auction!!!" href="javascript://" onClick="window.location='{IDENTIFIER}'"><img src="images/ebay_logo.gif" alt="eBay" /> {IDENTIFIER}</a>
(help) eBay: [ebay]auction[/ebay]
<a title="Check out this auction!!!" href="javascript://" onClick="window.location='{IDENTIFIER}'"><img src="images/ebay_logo.gif" alt="eBay" /> {SIMPLETEXT}</a>
(help) eBay: [ebay=auction]your message[/ebay]

Applying the EBForum theme

  1. Install the template in the phpbb_directory/styles directory.
  2. Enter the admin panel
  3. Click on Styles tab
  4. Click on Styles link to the left.
  5. Under Uninstalled styles, install the ebforum styles, selecting Make default style and Active.