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Huntley, Ralph
Ralph Huntley is interested in the little compositions that show up when you look at the world through a camera lens. What might have appeared as a collection of random images barely worthy of a forgotten snapshot emerges as a gratifying arrangement with hidden (and occasionally amusing) form, balance, color and symmetry. Ralph likes to discover what he calls "found still-lifes" which can include any myriad number of objects around his house or at work, things in his neighborhood, people he knows. Somebody pointed out to him that people aren't considered still lifes, only objects are, so Ralph has gone ahead and stretched the definition of still life to include things that have life that are being still; at least still enough for him to get their image. What results are interesting moments in time captured. Objects or people that were in proximity to other objects or people for even an instant, perhaps beautiful or disturbing or even just unexpectedly stimulating. Ralph uses a computer to further explore the intricacies of whatever found still-life I'm working on. This endeavor is very gratifying and strangely peaceful, the only worry an underlying anxiety that he's missing a great composition hiding right in front of him. (Source: Goodfoot Gallery)


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