~these are something I have been doing for years and years....I use my sketchbook basically the way most people use a camera....I've kept visual notes on my travels for as long as I can remember, in fact I am usually never very far from a sketchbook of some kind....the tiny 4x6 is extremely convienient for shows....I dance hard, as does my crew, so the occasional drawing might have a glaring elbow-induced awkwardly placed line here or there, though these miami drawings ended up more or less nudge-free! I tend to do these sketches very quickly, often attempting to get as much detail as I can within one song or one jam.....when the sketchbook is closed, the drawing is done.....some shows I find it hard to get my nose out of the book while others I don't draw at all.....it varies show to show and I just let it happen without any forcing....the music does the drawing really, I just watch it happen!
~Ryan Kerrigan~