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1st Edition

Strawberryluna More info
Edition Details
Class:Art Print
Technique:Screen Print
Paper:Cougar, White 100lb cover weight
Size:17 X 22
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"Test prints are an integral and often surprisingly beautiful and playful part of the hand printed process. They are never ever the same, and therefore true, one-of-a-kind, individual Monoprints. Made from varied layers and layers of inks from different print runs to check colors, clean out a messy screen and a dozen other reasons, Test Prints are spontaneously created and basically, magical. Once a Test Print is sold, that's it, gone baby.
I keep a few with me in the studio while printing and every now and then one looks suddenly nice & done. Like this one!...Pin registration punch-holes are still present on the left hand side of the print.
Note: Due to their functional and traveling nature, Test Prints are often messy, perhaps with a finger print, or a minorly bent corner, scuffs, and even the evidence of strawberry tears, all a part of the print making highs and lows and highs again..." - Strawberryluna
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