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Mershimer, Frederick More info
Edition Details
Class:Art Print
Technique:Original Mixed Media
Size:9 X 11.875
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"In Met Life, the viewer is looking east down the dark industrial canyon of West 24th Street past Madison Square Park to the elevated walkway that connects the Metropolitan Life north and south buildings. When I started the preliminary sketches for this piece there was also a second elevated walkway connecting the buildings on the foreground side of the park. On a trip back to the location to get further information, I found that the second walkway had just been dismantled. Initially I was unhappy with this change because the two walkways were what drew my attention to the scene in the first place. This is not the first time that a major compositional feature had changed by the never-ending evolution of the city. As I decided if I wanted to go on with the original concept, I realize that compositionally the piece worked better without the other walkway. I moved halfway down the block, closer to the landmark tower, and the focus of the print became the building as a beacon in the night sky." - Frederick Mershimer
Sales History
Original Price$1,650.00