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Size:24 X 36
*multiple venue tour poster
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Artist: O O

First shown in CSPG's 2003 Anti War show held at Track Sixteen Gallery, Santa Monica, CA. Described by art critic Christopher Knight of the Los Angeles Times as "The best of these posters are, like all good agitprop, graphically simple, linguistically blunt and conceptually resonant. The most recent poster is so new the ink might still be wet - a glossy poster signed by "O" and dated 2003. Thirteen nested American flags, amplifying a famous painting by Jasper Johns, together create a jazzy, patriotic field for the printed word "democracy." Each letter is compromised from a fragment of an immediately recognizable commercial logo, starting with Disney and Enron and concluding with CNN and Yahoo. A government in which corporations hold the ruling power, rather than the people, is asserted with terse visual wit."

The review was retracted by the LA times a week later and reprinted around the world under the heading LA art critic censored.

Given the Supreme court's decision (January 2010) lifting the ban on corporate, union campaign spending, Democracy is as emblematic and relevant today as when it was first made in 2002. Also available on a diverse range of products under the cafepress seller name: Dominantprimate
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