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Leunig, Matt More info
Backside Press
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Class:Art Print
Technique:Screen Print
Size:18 X 24
Markings:Signed & Numbered
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"Last year I got asked if I wanted to participate in a poster commission for a group of print collectors. Aside from keeping it secret and keeping the majority of the prints exclusive to the group I was given creative freedom to “do what I do”. This actually became an odd request as I realized due to the nature of pumping out gigposters for years it had been a while since I was able to do what I do, for me. I remembered a little character that popped up in various sketchbooks over time and decided this was a great opportunity to finally flesh it out.

I present the “Ol’ Coot“. A creature of nature & his own time who seems to have his true priorities in order, something of which many of us are struggling with. A feeling of enjoying the moment… enjoying the music…. & enjoying the company of others.

I worked on this during the peak of the pandemic which made some communication and access to supplies hard and dragged the project out for months. That being said, I was happy to finally work on something I could spend my time on and not feel rushed."
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