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1st Edition

Shaw, Eric More info
POP!NK Editions
Edition Details
Class:Art Print
Technique:Screen Print
Paper:Mohawk Superfine UltraWhite 160
Size:20 X 24
Markings:Signed & Numbered
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21 Color, Hand-Pulled Screen Print
Deckled, numbered, and signed by the artist.

Louis Buhl & Co. is pleased to present our first print edition with Brooklyn-based artist Eric Shaw, titled Drains II. Shaw makes bold abstract paintings that contain geometric forms inspired by graphic design signage found around New York City. His creative process begins digitally: the artist initially makes drawings on a smartphone application that are later translated into large-scale acrylic paintings on canvas. His work is both highly improvisational and painstakingly precise.

n his practice, Shaw often recycles forms and repurposes ideas as this proclivity aids with the evolution of his visual vocabulary. The composition of Drains II is based on one of Shaw’s large-scale paintings, to which he digitally desaturated the featured colors to a grayscale, afterward adding in new colors to the preexisting shapes throughout the development of the screenprint. Says Shaw: “I am interested in networked spaces, and how at times they might be direct and helpful or are inefficient and lead to nowhere. Systems of forms connect and diverge from one another with repetition, gradients, and framing devices. The physical limitations of screens and color choices was a fun and challenging process in creating Drains II.”
Sales History
Original Price$650.00