Silkscreen, Acrylic, and Airbrushed Acrylic on Mohawk Superfine UltraWhite, 160 lb cover. Deckled and signed by the artist.
Unique edition of 25
Publisher: Louis Buhl
"This image was derived from imagination and memories of growing up in central Florida. It is of no one in particular but reminds me of one of our neighbors. She was married to a truck driver and mostly stayed home with her son who had developmental problems. To me, it is a sweet depiction of play and leisure time that is complicated by the implied difficulties and potential dangers of certain social and economic realities. From these realities, there is potential both for positive and negative experiences. I am hopeful that expressions of complex beauty can help us all to better understand ourselves and each other so we can work together to remove the elements that endanger us, and focus on the good." - Willie Wayne Smith