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1st Edition

Chueh, Luke More info
Ledbetter, Joe More info
Edition Details
Class:Original Art
Technique:Original Mixed Media
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Ink on paper

"This series was created of a show a friend of ours curated. We came up with this theme because the curator of the show told me weeks before the show that he had cancelled the event, which was great for me since my schedule was already swamped. I only learned that the event was not actually cancelled when I was presented a flier for the show with my name on it. Joe Ledbetter was never actually informed of the event in the first place, and learned that he was to be a contributing artist when he saw the same flier. Needless to say, both of us were kind of upset at our friend. But Instead of being a no show, and since the curator is our friend, we decieded to pull something "out our ass'"."
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