It wasn't until I was in college that I got my first real dose of Anthrax with 1993's "Sound of White Noise."
As a child of the '80s who grew up on the east coast, you'd think I'd have discovered and loved them from their outset, but with a decidedly sheltered musical taste (shaped mainly by the pop hits of NBC's Friday Night Videos), it wasn't meant to be.
The upside of my college-years epiphany is that there was a treasure trove of classic Anthrax albums sitting there waiting for me to discover. I devoured everything from "Spreading the Disease" to "Among the Living" to "Persistence of Time" in short order.
Twenty-some years after I found them, Anthrax is creating some of the most vital, exciting music of their careers. They remain one of my all-time favorite bands and it is an honor to have collaborated with them on the "New York, New York" design that celebrates their roots, spirit and longevity.