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Class:Other Apparel
Big Cypress Seminole Indian Reservation - FL
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Phish music and camping festivals became a model for large music festivals in the United States in the mid 90s. Concert planners built mock cities with roads, movie theaters, potable water, multiple stages, retail centers, and varied entertainment. The A&O mounted patrol was a popular and effective means of crowd management for these festivals. Uniformed riders patrolled atop highly trained horses with a wide field of vision to spot potential problems.

Over the years, fans became accustomed to the friendly and helpful Troopers. A&O joined Phish at the Clifford Ball, the Great Went, LemonWheel, New Year’s Eve at the Big Cypress Seminole Indian Reservation, Oswego, IT, Coventry, Festival 8, Super Ball IX and Magnaball. Plus, A&O riders provided security for the band at many amphitheaters and smaller outdoor venues.

The appearance at Coventry in Vermont represented a “full circle” of sorts for the mounted enforcement unit and Phish. A&O began its concert division with Woodstock 94 where Phish band members first encountered them. They were invited by Phish to the Clifford Ball concert in 1996. This classic Phish music festival launched what has become an annual summer concert tour for A&O elite riders.

This jacket was worn by Mounted Patrol Employees at the Big Cypress festival.
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