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Pittides, Timothy More info
Edition Details
Class:Art Print
Paper:100lb French Speckletone Kraft.
Size:18 X 24
Markings:Signed & Numbered
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BEE edition signed and sold by Author Brett Easton EllisGrey Matter Art is proud to announce our next official poster release for the novel "American Psycho," by artist Timothy Pittides, and authorized by author Bret Easton Ellis. Below are images and details and on the poster release.

What Tim had to say about the project:

"American Psycho, the moment I first saw the film in 2002, I fell in love. One of the only films that made me go out and purchase the novel it was based on. After my first initial reading, I couldnt shake the feeling of uneasiness. I felt dirty, and I LOVED IT. Bret Easton Ellis weaved a story so shocking and so important it could not be ignored. I have read this great book so many times, I felt a part of the narrative. When the time came where I felt I could do some justice to it, I had to strike and reach out to Mr. Ellis and see if I was worthy enough to create a visual for his book. When I received the go ahead, I was not ready for where this would take me. Numerous concepts, 60 hours of work completed on one concept, only to stare at it in it's final inked form, and HATE it. It was good, but not good enough, it didn't convey what I wanted. I placed it aside, taking some concepts from it and finally creating these piece which I feel conveys the tone and attitude of the words Mr Ellis so viciously typed. Patrick Bateman's descent into insanity and depravity is only made worse by the materialistic world in which he is so desperately trying to be apart of. That hate and venom is represented here in his business suit, his status symbol, slowly turning him into a wild animal. I am so pleased Grey Matter Art is willing to release this authorized print for me and I can not thank them enough. But the true thanks goes to Emory Johnson at Random House, Amanda Urban at ICM partners and of course Bret Easton Ellis himself."

-Timothy Pittides
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Original Price$100.00