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Perillo, Dave More info
Seizure Palace
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Technique:Screen Print
Size:12 X 36
Markings:Signed & Numbered
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Charlie Brown: Come on, Snoopy. We don't have any time for this playing around. The guests will be here pretty soon, so please get ready to help serve them.

Nov 8, 2013

Snoopy, the guests are indeed arriving and everyone is most welcome to this very special Thanksgiving dinner!

Dark Hall Mansion,, is proud to release this year’s officially licensed Peanuts print for Charles M. Schulz's 1973 classic, “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.” On sale next Friday, November 15, 2013, at a random time between 9:30 AM PST and 11:30 AM PST, it's indeed a Thanksgiving treat to sit down to!

Dark Hall Mansion's invited artist for this year's take on everyone's favorite Thanksgiving classic is Dave Perillo and his flair with the multi-panel approach allowed us to capture many scenes we'd not yet had opportunity to share. From the epic struggle of Charlie, Lucy and football, to a most sweet Sally and her invitation to hold hands under the table, right on through to Snoopy's legendary display of culinary skills, Dave has brought back all the moments that make this 1973 holiday favorite so unforgettable.

Charlie Brown: I can't cook a Thanksgiving dinner. All I can make is cold cereal and maybe toast. Linus van Pelt: That's right. I've seen you make toast. You can't butter it, but maybe we can help you.

Certainly Linus and Snoopy do! And with all the classic trimmings at that!!-What Thanksgiving dinner would be complete without popcorn, jellybeans, pretzels and toast?

Charlie Brown: I don't feel bad for myself, I just feel bad because I've ruined everyone's Thanksgiving. Marcie: But Thanksgiving is more than eating, Chuck. You heard what Linus was saying out there. Those early Pilgrims were thankful for what had happened to them, and we should be thankful, too. We should just be thankful for being together. I think that's what they mean by 'Thanksgiving,' Charlie Brown.

Exactly Marcie! And it takes the ever wise and compassionate Linus to remind us all just what we're supposed to be sitting down to. Charles Schulz's masterful tale was well in hand with directors Bill Melendez and Phil Roman and this classic is as resonant today as it was 40 years ago, perhaps more so in reminding us all to slow down just a little and bring close and hold dear loved ones and friends to break bread, even, toast, and simply show a little gratitude for what we might all too often take for granted the rest of the year.

Dave Perillo doesn't miss a beat in his print, from capturing the lovely Fall tones that inform Charles Schulz's classic Peanuts neighborhood to the flow from one panel to another as Peppermint Patty's frustration with a particularly long eared chef gives way to the tenderness of Linus' prayer, and a back of the '70's station wagon sing-along that makes us all smile at the simplicity and joy a little human interaction can
grant us all. And yes, Dave didn't forget that Snoopy's Thanksgiving skills might run a little deeper than one expects with a final panel reflecting the film's close between between two old friends that's hard to forget.

All DHM "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" editions measure 12″ x 36,” are strictly limited, numbered, and individually screen printed with Editions as follows:

Standard: “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" (Edition of 280)
Variant: “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" (Edition of 50)

And a select run of just 10 of each style-Standard and Variant-printed on full 12″ x 36" panels of wood:
“A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" (Standard artwork) Wood Edition of 10
“A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" (Variant artwork) Wood Edition of 10

Standard: $65
Variant: $100
Wood Edition: $250

All Editions go on sale next Friday, Nov 15, 2013 at Dark Hall Mansion:
They’ll go on sale on our dedicated Store page at a random time between 9:30 AM PST and 11:30 AM PST:

*And know that as we did with our Great Pumpkin release we’ll be immediately shipping out our Thanksgiving Charlie Brown editions to collectors!
Also, in fairness to our collectors who actually wish to purchase our pieces, not just 'flip' them: ALL SALES ARE FINAL!

Thank you as always for all your enthusiastic responses and continued support of DHM and our projects, we're so very thankful to all of you, and please know we wish you all a wonderful holiday season and joyous Thanksgiving, God bless.

We look forward to seeing you all next Friday and thank you all once again!!

Linus: We thank God for our homes and our food and our safety in a new land.
Peppermint Patty: Amen.

God bless,
The Mansion
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