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1st Edition

Clogtwo More info
Edition Details
Class:Art Print
Technique:Screen Print
Size:18 X 24
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Mythos 6
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"This myth is translated from the Malay Annals also known as the ‘Genealogy of Kings’, which gives a romanticized account on the history of the great Malay Maritime Empire. A legend popular with fishermen, it’s about a young boy who saved the island of Temasek (Singapore) from a curse, but was to pay the highest price because of it. The story unfolds when the Sultan of Temasek ordered his men to kill a magician called Tun Jana Khatib for performing magic for the Sultana. After Khatib was executed, his bloodied corpse mysteriously disappears and the next day countless shoals of swordfish begin an assault on Temasek. Young Hang Nadim convinced the Sultan to plant bamboo shoots to trap the catapulting swordfish and protect the villagers. The villagers build the bamboo fences and many lives were saved because of Hang Nadim’s ingenuity. The island celebrates Hang Nadim’s genius and praised him for saving them, however the Sultan quickly grew jealous of Hang Nadim’s popularity and ordered one of his henchmen to assassinate the boy. Clogtwo shows Hang Nadim the moment his battle with the swordfish has ended, unaware of his imminent death to follow."
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Original Price$55.00