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Perillo, Dave More info
Seizure Palace
Edition Details
Class:Art Print
Technique:Screen Print
Paper:Cougar Natural
Size:18 X 24
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“When I was asked by Grey Matter Art to do a poster for Buck Rogers in the 25th Century I couldn’t be more excitied, especially since it was from the 1980′s series. I have so many fond memories of watching that show, being a huge Star Wars fan like many other kids in the late 70′s, shows like Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers were the next best thing. It was like Star Wars but on TV, this all before I had cable or a VCR so the only way to watch stuff was going to the movies or TV, and being 6 years old going to the movies over and over again wasn’t an option.

The things that really stood out to me about the series was the wicked cool designs of the ships and the great humor that was interjected into the show. Gil Gerard’s portrayal of Buck was great, like a cross between Han Solo and James Bond. I am just so glad I got to create this print and give my self a reason to go back and watch the series again, I hope fans of the show enjoy the print as much as I had working on it.”
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