If you do not know who Paul Kaiju is by now you must be hidden away underneath a rotten Mushroom behind a shanty barn or somethin' man, because he is a Demi-God and he creates the most incredible Kaiju Mutants on Earth. Well Here is my Micro Run Of these bad boys...DEAD GOD NARCOTIC!! The residual cosmic growths left over from an infinite series of reborn prehistoric God deaths...They will get you real high man!! I painted these and taped them off and meticulously adapted them so that they will glow in the dark as phantoms who watch you sleep..The eyes that see, the teeth that nash, and the boots that kick! Kick I say!! kick you in your sleep! Ever kicking in a relentless rhythm of pain! Pain I say!! Your pain!!...Behold the Dead god Narcotic...A series of 4