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Griffith, Bill More info
Edition Details
Class:Art Print
Technique:Screen Print
Paper:Mohawk Superfine 100# acid free
Size:19 X 25.25
Markings:Signed & Numbered
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10 Artist's ProofsYEAR UNCERTAIN

The image is printed on Mohawk, Superfine 100# Cover. This is a premium, acid free sheet.
The image was printed in 14 hand separated colors by Grafx Screen Printing in Indianapolis, IN.
The colors were keyed to an original drawing supplied by the artist.
The printing sequence was yellow, red, green, lavender, flesh, yellow green, light brown, blue grey, dark purple, dark brown, process blue, process red, dark process blue, and black.
All working proofs, over runs, color seperations, and screens have been destroyed under the supervision of the printer in accordance with the wishes of Mr. Griffith.
The edition consists of 250 prints, 10 Artist's Proofs, and 5 Printer's Proofs all hand signed and numbered by the artist.
Shows Zippy in a Santa outfit, holding a plate of Christmas Ding Dongs & taco sauce. Below, Zippy exchanges gifts with Jean-Paul Sartre. Zippy's gift of "nothingness" elicits, "You shouldn't have!!" from Sartre. Zippy responds: "...I didn't!".
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