In early 2010 I creÂated a limÂited ediÂtion screenÂprinted poster for a HenÂdrix TribÂute conÂcert in San FranÂcisco. I hand-printed the posters with Ron DonoÂvan of The FireÂhouse KusÂtom Rock Art Co. in OakÂland, Ca. The posters were well received and I’ve been getÂting bugged to paint the image ever since.
The image is a hybrid of sevÂeral clasÂsic phoÂtos of Jimi HenÂdrix, which I melded together and sketched to creÂate a new image, then inked for the poster. The base geomÂeÂtry of this image is the pyraÂmid. While the poster is more colÂorÂful, with metalÂlic rays, etc. I preÂfer the simÂplicÂity of the painting’s comÂpoÂsiÂtion as is. Its not a rock poster. The HenÂdrix image is painted on a pure red ochre ground with brings a very organic, rich, and seriÂous feel to this paintÂing. The comÂplex and razor sharp black-line brushÂwork adds to the effect of this painting.Acrylic on Canvas