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1st Edition

Zeck, Michael J. More info
Edition Details
Class:Original Art
Technique:Original Mixed Media
Size:11 X 17
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Spider-Man faces off against the X-Men in Mike Zeck's iconic cover from the third issue of Marvel's 1984 blockbuster mini-series, Marvel Superheroes Secret Wars. Zeck is one of the most collected artists of this period and his work on Secret Wars is among his most sought after. The chance to own a significant piece by a major artist depicting these powerhouse characters doing battle is very unusual. This cover art has been off the market for many years, tucked away in a private collection, and it is likely to go back into one again once it changes hands. Anyone reading Marvel comics in 1984 is likely to remember this image with the Web-Slinger holding his own against the collected forces of Wolverine, Colossus, Cyclops, Rogue, Storm, Nightcrawler, and Professor X. This cover art has an image area of approximately 10" x 15"
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Six Month Average$10,317.00
Average Price$10,317.00