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Aelhra More info
Edition Details
Class:Art Print
Technique:Screen Print
Paper:French Speckletone Sand
Size:18 X 24
Markings:Signed & Numbered
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Hand-deckled by the artist.May 2010 is a milestone for me as an artist. I Love Aelhra commemorates that and also references a private joke I'll let you in on.
Those close to me like to fool around that nobody loves aelhra more than aelhra (you know - big head and all that). Well they may be right. It takes a little something extra in the ego department to take your personal and private work and put it out there for public consumption. How many of you would want, much more allow, your most personal dreams, fears and fantasies to be broadcast worldwide for critique and mockery? How many of you would keep doing it over and over, even in the face of negativity? I've been doing this for a number of years, never missed a step, critics be d@mned. That along with the oversized ego thing is what this is about. Rest assured that I'm in a committed relationship, so as tempting as this hottie is, I'll pass on the offer. My heart belongs to my muse :)
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Original Price$25.00