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1st Edition

Malleus More info
Edition Details
Class:Art Print
Technique:Screen Print
Paper:Gray Heavy Cardboard
Size:23.5 X 35.375
Markings:Signed & Numbered
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There’s a new Beatles museum in Hamburg, celebrating the Beatles formative days on the Reeperbahn. It’s called the Beatlemania Museum. It has five floors, 1300 square meters of Beatles stuff, a yellow submarine… it’s a huge tourist attraction, right on the Reeperbahn near where Flatstock Europe is located. They have exhibition space, and they’ll host a show of Beatles-themed art prints before, during, and after Flatstock. The show begins on September 24th, with an opening event at 7:00 PM. Thereafter, it will be open from 10-10 and is free to anyone with a Reeperbahn Festival pass. We’ll be a part of the event and we’ve create an art print, as a visual interpretation of one of our favourite Beatles song: “Tomorrow Never Knows”, from the album “Revolver“.

The poster is a 6 colour handmade silkscreen on heavy cardboard and it’s a big size one: cm 60 x 90 (23 x 35 inches). Run is 100. It’s obviously inspired by the lyrics of the Beatles song and from the Timothy Leary words “Turn off Your mind, relax and float down stream”. There are 4 “acid beetles”, like blotters, on the tongue and hand of the woman coming out from the third eye that is like a pool of ink. Eye is linked to the sky descending from the brain on top. At the bottom of the poster there’s the infinite symbol, like a loop “to the end of the beginning”, like the song itself, an incredible drone song of the ‘66. The poster will be on sale at the Beatlemania Museum in Hamburg, during our european tour (Holland, Belgium and Germany – dates will be announced soon) and 20 copies will be on sale on our webstore from the 09.09.09. It’s been amazing for us to work on this poster, Beatles are one of our favourite bands ever and “play” one of their songs with our inks has been great.
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