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Pardee, Alex More info
Zero Friends
Edition Details
Class:Original Art
Technique:Original Mixed Media
Size:18 X 24
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This was originally created for Alex's art show "SELF PORTRAITS OF OTHER PEOPLE THAT I DREW ALL BY MYSELF PRETTY MUCH"
At the Upper Playground gallery Fifty24PDX in Portland

Here is the story from Alex about the painting:

I watched my high school geology teacher, Mr. Suffin, get escorted out of our class in handcuffs when I was a sophomore. I remember that day being amazing simply because our class was teacher-less for the next 45 minutes, and coincidentally, later that day was the first time April decided to kiss me after teasing me for months. But the next day was different. We had a substitute, which made us realize that things were a little bit more serious than we had thought. The sub didn’t tell us much, but that didn’t mean that word didn’t get around quickly. Around this time, in the small town I lived, there was a serial murderer/rapist that the media and local authorities had dubbed “The Purple People Eater”. It was a rather stupid name, but it made sense, and somehow turned that old song into one of the creepiest pieces of classic American music. As so the story goes, piles of known-homosexual teens were found dead and buried in shallow graves around the train lay-up by the Applebees. The dead kids were covered in boysenberry syrup, violated sexually and decorated with hundreds of bite marks. One of the cops joked to the media that the killer must have used his “one eyed, one horn” weapon on these “purple people” before eating them. Hence, the name. The bite marks quickly led to the identity of the killer, especially when multiple kegs of boysenberry syrup were found at his unoccupied home. That’s when they came to the school to arrest him. My geology teacher was a homosexual, serial killing rapist with a fetish for sticky, fruity syrup. If I knew that ahead of time, I would’ve been so fascinated by him that I might have paid more attention to his explanations about stupid rocks. Damn.
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Original Price$1,000.00