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1st Edition

Eggleton, Bob More info
Edition Details
Class:Original Art
Technique:Original Mixed Media
Size:9 X 12
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From Bob's blog: Taking a line from The Moody Blues. This is the winter doldrums, the very bottom. The world is falling apart, there's very little to be happy about. So in a sense, it's interesting to think about ruins, and crumbled empires and things that could have been. Maybe this was someone's dream(until it burned down, fell over and sank into the swamp). For me, it's an imagined landscape. I like doing these alot. I have to say I channeled J.M.W. Turner in this one, and he answered. Just a dream of a painting to do. They should all be this fun. The paint was applied very thickly. No idea really, just paint worked until it formed something and the rest fell into place. I'm doing more like it. They are romantic and, interpretive of "real" landscapes and somehow look better than the real thing.
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