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Hecox, Evan (1970- )

Evan Hecox is a Colorado-based artist and designer whose work portrays the essence of urban environments. His works depict city scenes or isolated elements that are almost cinematic in their stark contrast and abstraction. Hecox is fascinated with the complexity of the urban landscape and people from the mundane surroundings that one would normally overlook. Like snapshots or filmstrips, his art captures the everyday existence of the average person as they traverse the detritus of the modern metropolis. His stylistic approach is based on the process of amplification as it affects form and color, breaking down the image, removing elements and emphasizing others. In the past, his works have been relatively small in scale and create a very intimate experience with the viewer. Hecox has exhibited worldwide, including exhibitions in Los Angeles, London, and Tokyo. -

Evan hecox.jpg


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