XML Parsing Logic
Stage 1: GetItemRequest
- if Item exist
- if Item->ListingDetails exsts
- date = Item->ListingDetails->EndTime
- if Item->SellingStatus exsts
- reserveMet = Item->SellingStatus->ReserveMet
- bids = Item->SellingStatus->BidCount
- sold = Item->SellingStatus->QuantitySold
- if Item->SellingStatus->ListingStatus == "Active"
- ended = FALSE
- else
- ended = TRUE
- if Item->SellingStatus->CurrentPrice.currency == "USD"
- price = Item->SellingStatus->CurrentPrice
- else
- price = Item->SellingStatus->ConvertedCurrentPrice
- if ended
- if sold > 0
- result = 1 // sold
- else if bids > 0
- if reserveMet
- result = 1 // sold
- else
- result = 2 // reserve not met
- else
- result = 3 // ended with no bids
- else
- result = 5 // still pending
- if result' = 1
- Jump to Stage 2
Stage 2: GetAllBiddersRequest
- if HighestBid exists
- if HighestBid.currency == "USD"
- price = HighestBid
- else
- price = BidArray -> Offer[0] -> HighestBid