Print Search
Wiki Search
Random Art
This is the nascent ExpressoBeans User Guide.  
It will grow over time...feel free to contribute!

Searching ExpressoBeans

There are several ways to search ExpressoBeans:

EB Search

The EB Search function is extremely powerful. It can be accessed from the ExpressoBeans home page, the Print Search module to the left of any EB art entry, or by using the EB Firefox plugin. The EB Search Engine will return EB listings that include the entered text in their listing. Examples of possible searches include:

  • "Ryan 06" - locate all 2006 entries by "Ryan"
  • "McCarthy" - locate all entries by "McCarthy"
  • "Little Feat" - locate all entries in which Little Feat is listed as a band

Note that full names of artists, bands, or keywords need not be entered - by choosing less common letter combinations in the search, it can be abbreviated. For example, koz labb returns the same listings as kozik labbit. Fewer keystrokes add to EB Search's efficiency.

There is also a "Class" pull-down menu on the ExpressoBeans home page and the Print Search module to the left of any EB art entry that can optionally be used to limit the search to a particular art type.

Old Advanced Search

The Old Advanced Search form can be used to sort search results in many combinations. Please note that the Old Advanced Search form may retain some field values from your previous search unless the "Reset" button to the right is pressed. The Old Advanced Search form includes the following fields:

  • Artist : Limits the results to a specified Artist. To facilitate pageloading speed, the initial listing is incomplete and includes only the highest-ranked listings based on an internal ranking system that gives points based on views and related inventory on the site (8:1). If the Artist you are searching for is not listed, click the "More" button to the right and the Advanced Search page will reload with the full list of Artists on EB.
  • Band : Limits the results to a specified Band. To facilitate pageloading speed, the initial listing is incomplete and includes only the highest-ranked listings based on an internal ranking system that gives points based on views and related inventory on the site (8:1). If the Band you are searching for is not listed, click the "More" button to the right and the Advanced Search page will reload with the full list of Bands on EB.
  • Venue : Limits the results to a specified Venue. To facilitate pageloading speed, the initial listing is incomplete and includes only the highest-ranked listings based on an internal ranking system that gives points based on views and related inventory on the site (8:1). If the Venue you are searching for is not listed, click the "More" button to the right and the Advanced Search page will reload with the full list of Venues on EB.
  • Series : See the linked Wiki page for a listing and explanation of the Series field.
  • Year : Limits the results to a specified year.
  • Class : EB classifies items according to categories to make it easier to find certain types of items.
  • Status : See the linked Wiki page for a listing and explanation of the Status field.
  • Technique : See the linked Wiki page for a listing and explanation of the Technique field.
  • For Sale : Allows for searching by sale availability.
    • Don't Care : Default position; results are displayed irrelevant of sale status.
    • By Members : Limits the results to those pieces currently on an EB member's For Sale/Trade list.
    • eBay : Limits the results to those pieces currenty on EB's eBay auction tracker.
  • Rarity : Limits the results by edition size.
  • Size : Search by dimensions as entered on EB (note that there is no guarantee as to the accuracy of listed dimensions!). The boxes represent Width x Height (in inches). Note that the optional "fudge" box allows for imprecise measurements by a user-specified dimension. If initial results don't return the desired outcome, try reversing the width and height, or increase the fudge factor.
  • Text : Limits the results to those that include the entered text string; this includes text entered in the "Notes" field as well as EB Titles.
  • Order By : This field controls the order in which the search results are displayed. The choices are as follows:
    • Default : The default search order sorts alphabetically by EB name in ascending order.
    • Name : Sorts alphabetically by EB name in ascending order.
    • Year : Sorts by year in reverse chronological order.
    • Last Added : Sorts by the order pieces were added to the EB database, in reverse chonological order.
    • Most Viewed : Sorts by the number of total views, from most to least.
    • Viewed Today : Sorts by the number of views daily, from most to least.

Other Search Menu Items

  • Latest Member Trades - view the latest For Sale/Trade listings by ExpressoBeans members.
  • Latest (band name) Trades - view the latest For Sale/Trade listings by ExpressoBeans members of the band for which you've last searched.
  • Latest (band name) Auctions - view the latest eBay listings entered into the ExpressoBeans tracking system of the band for which you've last searched.
  • Latest (artist name) Trades - view the latest For Sale/Trade listings by ExpressoBeans members of the artist for whom you've last searched
  • Latest (artist name) Auctions - view the latest eBay listings entered into the ExpressoBeans tracking system of the artist for whom you've last searched
  • Public Feeds - view a real-time feed of the complete latest listings in the ExpressoBeans sales system.

Firefox Search Plugin

For those who use the Firefox browser, a powerful plug-in is available that allows one to search the ExpressoBeans art database by any text string. The plugin can be downloaded from the "Expresso Beans Firefox Search Plugin" link at the bottom of the Search form. This is the fastest, most powerful means of a "quick search" available - try it, you'll like it!

Wiki Search

The ExpressoBeans Wiki can be searched by entering a text string into the box in the "Wiki Search" module to the left of any Wiki page.

Forum Search

The ExpressoBeans Forums can be searched by entering a text string into the box in the "Forum Search" module to the left of any Forum Section page.

Alternatively, a more advanced Forum Search is available through the "Search" link in the "Forum Tools" module to the left of any Forum Section page.

EB Statistics

By following the "Help > Statistics" link from the top menu bar on any EB Art Guide page, one can view various statistical searches/sorts.

Adding art to the ExpressoBeans database

Adding art to the ExpressoBeans Art Guide

Any EB Member may submit art for inclusion in the EB Art Guide. Please begin by searching the existing EB database to be sure the piece is not already included.

The art submission page is accessed by following the "Add Art" link in the Member Info section on the left of a user's "My Page" page. Please enter information into all fields where the information is known; an explanation of the content and format of each field is available on the Add Art page. Please note that in order to facilitate pageloading speed, the initial listings in the Artist, Band and Venue drop-down menus are incomplete and include only the highest-ranked listings based on an internal ranking system that gives points based on views and related inventory on the site (8:1). To view the complete listings, click the "More" button to the right and the Add Art page will reload with the full list. Please try to rotate and crop the image prior to submitting, and resize to a maximum of 600 pixels wide x 800 pixels tall. Use the notes field to add any extra factual information, additional bands or artists, etc., but please save personal opinions for the Comments forum after the piece has been approved.

Adding images to existing ExpressoBeans Art Guide entries

Any EB Member may submit images for inclusion with existing EB Art Guide entries. This is done by following the "Add Image" link in the "Image Tools" section of any entry's Image Gallery. You should only add images that are better than the existing ones or that show some special detail of the print. Please do not add images to be used to show the condition of a print for the purposes of selling; this is for education. You may show off your frame jobs if you like. Keep in mind that images take space and space costs money so do not go overboard. All images will be subject to approval.

Whenever submitting images, please try to rotate and crop the images prior to submitting, and resize to a maximum of 600 pixels wide x 800 pixels tall.

Uploading files to the ExpressoBeans Wiki

The EB Wiki Upload page can be accessed from the "Tools" module to the left of any EB Wiki page. Please note that the file upload function is not used for adding images to EB listings.

Adding sales to the ExpressoBeans database

Adding sales to the ExpressoBeans Art Guide

Any EB Member may submit sales for inclusion in the EB Art Guide.

Adding personal sales to to ExpressoBeans

On the item screen, for example

choose the "For Sale or Trade" tab, then "My sale or trade preference"

choose "Cash or Trade"

The next time you go back to the "For Sale or Trade" tab, Choose "My sale or trade preference", then "Sold at price below" and add the sale price

Adding eBay sales to ExpressoBeans

Enter the eBay item number in the space on the "For Sale or Trade" page and fill out any available details

Managing your collection using ExpressoBeans

(content pending)

Adding an item to your collection

1. Assuming your print already exists in the database, locate your print in the ebeans database via either the search panel fields on the homepage or possibly the "Hot Today" list.
2. From the results display (should show GUI images) click on the image of the print you want to add. To the right of the print a list of menu items will display. ex:
View Item
Trade or Sell
Add to ISO
Add to Collection
3. Click on "Add to Collection". The "EB Item Options" page will display.
4. There will be several options depending on how many versions of the print are in the database (i.e. 1st edition, art prints, variants, etc). Click the appropriate checkbox for the item you want to add. (ex: My collection contains the 1st edition).
NOTE: you may need to click elsewhere on the page to get the fields for your checkbox to display. ex: Click on the sentence for your selection.
5. Complete the fields for your selection as appropriate.
6. At the very bottom of the page click "Save"

Removing an item from your collection

Follow the same steps as noted above, but when you get to the EB Item Options page there will be a "Remove" button to the right of your item.
Click "Remove"
Click "Save"

ExpressoBeans RSS Feeds

The following feeds may be monitored using a syndicated news reader: 
This feed tracks recent additions to the ExpressoBeans sales tracking system. This includes both eBay listings and new additions to ExpressoBeans members' "For Sale/Trade" lists. 
This feed tracks recent changes to the ExpressoBeans Wiki.
Auction Alert Feed 
There is a feed at that will allow a user to see a personalized list of eBay auctions based on their ISO list. Since the actual URL is user specific, you have to visit the page.
Member Listing Alert Feed 
There is a feed at that will allow a user to see a personalized list of recent for sale or trade listings based on their ISO list. Since the actual URL is user specific, you have to visit the page.