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  • The Art of Rock - From Presley To Punk - by Paul Grushkin
Published by Abbeville Press (7/xx/89)
Published by Chronicle Books (12/xx/04)
  • Swag: Rock Posters of the 90s - by Spencer Drate, foreward by Art Chantry
Published by Harry N. Abrams (9/16/03)
  • Swag 2: Rock Posters of the 90s and Beyond - by Spencer Drate & Judith Salavetz
Published by Harry N. Abrams (9/1/05)
  • Panda Meat - Source book representing the work of 110 artists, edited by Frank Kozik
Published by Last Gasp (4/10/05)
  • Some People Can't Surf: The Graphic Design of Art Chantry - by Julie Lasky
  • Revolucion! Cuban Poster Art - by Lincoln Cushing