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Revision as of 11:03, 5 February 2010ContentsStatement of IntentWe want everyone to enjoy the site. It is a huge challenge to maintain an innovative direction and widespread compatibility at the same time. We will always try to help regardless. With limited test equipment, we unfortunately are unable to provide support for every situation. Format Recommended PlatformFor the best user experience, we enjoy Google Chrome and Firefox! Actively supported PlatformsThese platforms have are highest priority. Just because an item makes the list does not mean we have a test platform for it.
Internet Explorer is hands down the worst performing browser on the Internet. It is not compliant with many Internet standards and JavaScript performance is more than 10X worse than FireFox and 20X worse than Chrome. Microsoft is losing their monopoly, so we are no longer forced to bow to their inferior technology. Explicitly unsupported PlatformsWe are unable to support these platforms. Items that make this list most likely lack sufficient technology or are so far away from standard compliance that we cannot justify writing an entire site for their benefit.