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Hello there & thank you for taking a moment to visit my page.

- I care for my prints with extreme prejudice. The ones not framed are kept in my flat file, between glassine, and in some cases mylar bags. If there are any imperfections I will notify you and I ask you to do the same.

- My main ISOs, save for a few, will usually be that of the artwork of Tyler Stout. He is my favorite artist and I am always open to talk shop regarding T's work...even if I don't have it listed, it might be worth a shot. Movie prints, Gig prints, handbills, patches, stickers, LPs...whatever. If T has done it, I am interested. I identify the closest with his art and it makes it that much easier when he is such a genuine, incredible & kind person IRL. He's one of a kind and is the reason that I returned to this hobby..him and people like him. Should you have any of his work tucked away, no matter how minor, I would very much like to hear of it.

-My collection is held private but is willing to share the code should talks progress require it. I treat others as I abide by three principles: HONESTY. TRANSPARENCY & ABSOLUTE DISCRETION. I do not lie/play games and whatever is discussed with me here, email of FB will remain with me there and never leave lips or fingertips. I am a human vault. A man has to have a code and I live by mine with complete sincerity. I only ask that this attitude is returned.

_-Lastly..I am open-minded, fair and do my best to make people happy with the outcome of every transaction I undertake. I have a special spot for newcomers and will do everything I can to help; from advice/direction to help with tracking, selling or trading. This goes for anyone, regardless of experience, just bring a positive attitude and some fire in your belly concerning limited paper and more often then not, we can work some magic. My name and my rep are all I have in this hobby and I do my very best to make both shine.Two things I ask for in return; 1. Don't let me down because when I take up a case, I'm on it 'till the end of the line and 2. is to aid in helping me build my TStout collection. That's it. I'm easy.

Thanks for taking the time to read a bit about me & I hope to hear from you in the near-future. Cheers & welcome to The Bean.

Member Trade
Item On Leather Wings 15 Phantom City Creative
Edition 1st
Condition VG
Listed 2022-07-20
Member senorbadfish
Terms Cash or Trade
Note AP

Expresso Beans is not responsible for member transactions. Member listings are provided for the benefit of our members and are listed and serviced by the members themselves. Expresso Beans does not endorse, recommend or otherwise validate any members.
Member Information
PinsContributorFinancial Contributor
EB Points4018
Joined2013-05-17 12:27:22
Last Sale2021-10-09
Print Image
176186 - 1