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Byrne, John More info
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Class:Original Art
Technique:Original Mixed Media
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Here's the cover from one of the craziest moments of Superman's long career drawn by the legendary John Byrne, who had begun his famous revamp of the Man of Steel the prior year. This is the cover for the (in)famous 1987 story where a mind-controlled Superman and Mister Miracle's buxom wife, Big Barda, end up in bed together filming a porno scene! Byrne enjoyed using Kirby's 4th world characters during his famous revamp of Superman that started in the mid-80s. The issue starts out with Darkseid playing a videotape of Big Barda for Mister Miracle that has been making the rounds of the Metropolis porno market. It shows a nude Barda dancing under the mind control of the villain Sleeze. To make matters, worse, as shown on this cover scene, Sleeze is in the middle of filming a scene featuring Superman, who is also being mind-controlled, and Big Barda about to have sex. Luckily, Mister Miracle is able to break things up before the deed is completed. And you thought the early Silver Age Superman was wacky!

After he famously left Marvel in 1970, Jack Kirby created the 4th World Saga for DC, which included four titles he wrote and drew: New Gods, Forever People, Mister Miracle and Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen. Introduced in Mister Miracle #1, Mister Miracle is Scott Free, the son of Highfather of the New Gods who lived on the planet New Genesis. He was traded at birth for Darkseid's son Orion in order to keep the peace between New Genesis and Darkseid's evil planet, Apokolips. Scott was forced to become the universe's greatest escape artist. Mister Miracle's girlfriend and eventual wife, Big Barda, came along soon after in Mister Miracle #4. Kirby modeled Big Barda after buxom actress, Lainie Kazan, who was a sex symbol in the late 60s/early 70s when the character first appeared. (Today's film fans know Kazan as the mother in My Big Fat Greek Wedding.)

For almost eight decades now, Superman has been the most well-known superhero in the world. He continuous presence in comic books as well as movies, TV, video games, merchandise and more has made the Man of Steel an icon for the ages. After his apparent death in the 2016 hit film Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, Superman will return in this November's Justice League movie. A popular TV version of Superman was recently introduced in the hit network series devoted to his cousin, Supergirl. In current comic books, Superman is seeing renewed popularity as the beloved post-Crisis version has returned to replace the younger New 52 version as part of DC's Rebirth initiative. This mature Superman is the version of the character that has been married Lois Lane since the 90s and they now have a young son, the new Superboy, which is making for some great new storytelling opportunities. As far as we know, this is the only time Superman almost made a porno movie.

John Byrne is one of the most popular comic book artists of the last 40 years. Byrne first made a name for himself at Marvel working on Iron Fist and Marvel Team-up. After rising to rock star status working on his historic run on X-Men with writer Chris Claremont in the late 70s and early 80s, Byrne then went on to do great early 80s runs on Fantastic Four and Alpha Flight before famously leaving Marvel to revamp Superman in 1986. Byrne's Superman was a popular best-seller. The artist/writer ditched decades of continuity to refocus Superman on what made the character great, bringing a modern sensibility that fans responded to very well. Byrne also enjoyed playing in the DC sandbox, bringing in many characters from the company's history, including Kirby's 4th World characters.
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