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If you have very little or no SELLING feedback then I require you to ship first or exchange paypal equal to the trade values before assuming the trade. NO EXCEPTIONS.

For example: we are trading posters worth approximately $400. I will pay you $400 by paypal and then you will pay me $400 by paypal. That way, if I ship and you do not, then I can file a paypal claim to get the value of my posters back.
Member ISO's
Item Jurassic Park 11 Horkey
Edition 1st
Listed 2012-09-04
Member BennyR502
Terms Cash or Trade

Expresso Beans is not responsible for member transactions. Member listings are provided for the benefit of our members and are listed and serviced by the members themselves. Expresso Beans does not endorse, recommend or otherwise validate any members.
Member Information
Real NameBen
PinsFinancial Contributor
EB Points62
Joined2011-06-10 17:01:03
Last Sale2013-06-15
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